Our National Team

Pam Hicks

World Partners Administrative Assistant & Refugee Sponsorship Coordinator

Pam first joined the National Team as Financial Administrator and in the intervening years became more of a utility player, stepping in where the need arose. Gifted in many ways, Pam loves to serve in administrative roles that enable others in their gifts and calling. She is passionate about refugee sponsorship, having found it such a rewarding experience when she was personally involved with a sponsorship team. Her relationship with that family continues to be meaningful. 

Pam enjoys outdoor activities such as camping and hiking. Her interests in travel and learning of other cultures complement her role in serving with World Partners.  

Contact Pam

Please fill out the form and I'll be in touch!

Pam Hicks

Tel: 519.894.9800 ext. 222
Toll Free: 877.375.7600 ext. 222
Fax: 519.894.0941