The Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (EMCC), its national leaders and staff, member churches and global workers are deeply committed to the safety of every individual who interacts with us so as to experience the love, message and life of Jesus. We as members and volunteers are all held to a high standard and our conduct is expected to be above reproach as Jesus calls us. Furthermore, followers of Jesus are instructed to care for the needs of those who are vulnerable; to provide care and healing to victims of neglect and abuse and to hold accountable offending persons.
The EMCC deeply grieves for anyone who has suffered harassment, misconduct or abuse from a Christian leader. As an organization, we take these matters and any allegations seriously. We are committed to measures that prevent acts of sexual misconduct. EMCC will not tolerate any acts of abuse – including physical, emotional, verbal, mental, financial, neglect or sexual harassment, sexual abuse or sexual violence. It is sinful, inflicts harm and is a betrayal of trust. Individuals in positions of trust and authority are expected to safeguard the children, youth, women and men whom EMCC serves.
The EMCC works with partner agencies, including law enforcement, to investigate allegations, support victims and ensure that appropriate safeguards and accountability are in place.
You have come to this page because you want to report abuse or sexual misconduct that you or someone you know has experienced.
To make a complaint or file an allegation of abuse or sexual misconduct, please fill out the contact form below.
All complaints are received by an independent third-party victim advocate facilitator whom EMCC has appointed.
The victim advocate facilitator’s role is simply to be your contact person. Please do not provide details in the contact form. You will not be sharing details/your story with the facilitator. A qualified counsellor will receive your account should you choose to share it. Your identity and information will be treated with confidentiality. The facilitator will follow up in a timely manner to arrange next steps with you.
You may also have come to this page because the burden of your own abuse or sexual misconduct has been unbearable. You are encouraged/obligated to come forward and identify yourself though this contact form. If you are a credential holder, you are bound by the Ministers Covenant to report any wrongdoing to your assigned Regional Minister.
Allegations will be investigated in a fair and respectful manner.
If the abuse or sexual misconduct has been perpetrated against a minor, the law requires that the misconduct be reported to law enforcement and Children’s Services as child abuse.
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