Event Schedule

  • Centre Street Main Campus, Calgary

A conversation among pastors about how to help those living outside of the traditional norms or marriage or singleness flourish in their relationship with Jesus. The conversation will be hosted by the Conversation Facilitation Team appointed by EMCC and held in strict confidence.

Participants are asked to review the portions of our Articles of Faith and Practice that relate to this conversation (available here). The conversation at the event will flow from these questions:  

  1. What conflicts do our Articles of Faith and Practice related to marriage and singleness create for you personally as you give leadership in your faith community?
  2. How do we help those who are divorced, or living common law or living a gay/lesbian lifestyle flourish in their relationship with Jesus?
  3. What approaches have you taken to help those who are divorced, or living common law or living a gay/lesbian lifestyle flourish in their relationship with Jesus? What are the principles these approaches are based on?

Our hope is that these conversations will generate:

  • Shared insights on helping people flourish in their faith.
  • Insight on what resources are most needed.
  • Insight on any adjustments needed in our posture.