Relief and Development Projects


The Gens de Nantes Health Centre (GDNHC)

$125,000 CAD

Approx 10,000 Haitians in need of medical care.

The GDNHC has been providing physical, spiritual and emotional care of this community in northeast Haiti as a Christian Health Facility with locally trained staff for many years. The Ministry of Health recognizes this clinic, and has deemed it exceptional in its service to nearby communities.

World Partners has committed to assist our local Partner Church (the AEM) and people in providing staff housing and support. The GDNHC continues to serve the community of 10,000 people in the following ways:

  • health education and immunizations
  • prenatal and postnatal clinics; care of newborn baby
  • clinics for children under 5 years
  • treatment of communicable diseases such as TB and HIV/AIDS
  • care of chronic illnesses

[photo credit: wKnelsen 2019]

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