Connect with Global Workers and Partners

You can support and build relationship with women and men serving cross-culturally. Whether from Canada, or elsewhere, we support these workers and partners in Jesus' mission. Near or far, you can make a difference.

Host Global Workers and Partners in Canada

Showing hospitality is an incredible way to bless others. When Global Workers and Partners are among us, you can have an amazing impact through opening your home, helping with logistics, transportation and the like.
Contact Us.

World Partners Cares

Global Workers from EMCC churches receive resources, investment and care from World Partners, so they can participate effectively in Jesus' mission. Learn More.

Strengthen Your Participation

Global Workers (or Missionaries) develop and maintain their own support networks, but World Partners is here for advise, tools, and ideas to strengthen those relationships. 

Read more in our Charter Agreement Template.

Fuller, Sarah - World Partners USA

Sarah serves at the Los Angeles Catholic Worker soup kitchen and hospitality house. The soup kitchen in Skid Row, LA serves thousands of meals a week with the help of many volunteers. Other services are offered as well: foot care, hygiene item dispensary, mail service for those without an address, free shopping carts and dental services. Workers, like Sarah, live in a community house alongside several long-term formerly homeless guests, which provides great opportunity to live incarnationally.