
Engaging In Consultations

The Global landscape is changing. As the Church in the Global South keeps growing, participation in global mission still matters. And with assistance, we can discover our unique opportunities.

Get assistance for your church in:

  • Learning the changes in the global mission landscape, and how to respond to them.

  • Evaluating or strengthening existing church partnerships, or discerning new ones.

  • Delivering care and building better relationships with supported global workers (missionaries).

  • Stirring up mission curiosity.

  • Connecting to other EMCC churches in coordinated global partnerships.

  • Helping discover how global and local mission engagement are integrated.

Get Started

You may not even know where to begin in your discovery of what's changing in global mission, and what opportunities that creates for you and your church.

Mobilization for all of us.

Mobilization is not just about workers or teams that serve cross-culturally.
It is about our identity as followers of Jesus on mission wherever we are, how we live our lives everyday, and how we define and love our neighbours.

The Church has a global mission to participate in, and we'd love to help you explore your part.

Read More

God is a God of mission - He has sent you where you are, and we're a part of something amazing.

"The Foundation for Following Jesus Together: A Theology of Integral Mission"

Book A Church Consultation

When you fill out this form, one of our consultants will contact you to explore some options together for your mission engagement
    • Please use this space to give us a few details. Thanks.
    • If outside the EMCC family of churches, we do not guarantee our ability to consult, but can explore options with you.

Discover With the Global Church.

Pinaaz-i Zibi Maamawi – Traveling the River Together is a ministry provided by World Partners Global Workers Rob and Sharlene Dilts.

The foundation of Pinaaz-i Zibi Maamawi is an annual Indigenous kids and youth Culture Camp that desires to be a place of healing and reconciliation for Settler and Indigenous staff and young people, where all are honoured as bearers of the image of the Creator and culture is celebrated. Pinaaz-i Zibi Maamawi is a place where our stories are heard and shared and Creator’s Good Story, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is shared and experienced.

Camp provides an exciting opportunity for cross-cultural experience as we minister alongside traditional Elder’s, Grandmothers and Knowledge Keepers and learn to travel well together in friendship, peace and goodwill. There will be continuous opportunities to learn to listen to each other and the Spirit through stories, His word and creation. 

Our goals are two-fold:

1. To see volunteers at camp gain a deeper understanding of culture and reconciliation and be equipped to take that understanding back to their own communities.

2. For Indigenous young people to understand their value as image bearers of the Creator and to understand the beauty and importance of remembering who they are and where they come from.

A typical week at camp includes:

  • daily ceremonies, gatherings and talking circles, cultural teachings, staff devotional circles, campfire etc.
  • sports and games (archery, team sports, counselor hunt and other typical camp games and traditional Indigenous games)
  • craft work (traditional beading and other crafts and crafts related to the camp theme)
  • hiking, canoeing, star gazing and other opportunities to explore and learn from creation
  • swimming, boating and water sports
  • special guests and workshops teaching various skills

We invite partners to: 

1. travel with us as they explore their own spiritual journey and faith experiences while walking with others.

2. share your journey and listen to others-with a humble heart and mind, an open posture, and a serving spirit. 

3. consider the roles* at camp that need to be filled for PZM's operation. 

  • Program Staff:
    • Story Tellers
    • Camp Nurse
    • Campfire leaders
    • Games/sports leaders
    • Craft leaders
    • Music leaders
    • Lead Counsellor
  • Cabin Counselors: Minimum of 6 Male and 6 Female required
    • Junior Cabin Counsellors (minimum age 16, 18 and older preferred)
    • Senior Cabin Counsellors (18 and over)
  • Support Staff: Kitchen and other support positions for games/sports, music and crafts.
  • Other opportunities may be available depending on the cultural make up and skill sets of the team.

*All volunteers and staff serve under the direction of the Camp Directors and Camp Elder/Grandmother.

*****NOTE: We have had to make the difficult decision to put the overnight Indigenous camp on hold for 2023 due to a shortage of volunteers available before the cut off date of June 1st. The cut off date has been established in order to provide time for the necessary prayer, training and preparation.  Any cross cultural experience, even a short term experience requires significant preparation and training to engage safely and well, especially for the safety and wellbeing of the people with whom we are serving. In the case of cross cultural ministry in Canada, reconciliation and learning to walk in right relations is a life long journey even in our own communities and relations and always extends far beyond any short term experience. Therefore, team building, prayer, cultural understanding and the cultivation of relationship, community and a learners/servants heart and spirit are very important. Please continue following Pinaaz-i Zibi Maamawi on Facebook and Instagram and check in to this page for more opportunities to engage in other immersion learning opportunities as the Spirit leads.

If this sounds like an opportunity you wish to pursue, send an email to inquire for further information.