
Immersion Learning

Sometimes the best way to gain insight is to allow followers of Jesus within another culture to disciple you.

Immersion as a mindset

What's happening in your community? Discover Friendship and Learning Circles, Youth Societies, Dropins, New Canadian Friendship Centres. Keep learning how Jesus is at work around you, and join him.

Immerse With Your Partners, Near and Far.

Short-term Mission trips continue to adapt. World Partners' would love to share some guiding resources for you as you plan to take Exploratory trips, or Partner Development trips to mission partners near and far.

Reach out for guidance or templates.

This experience will give you a "retreat-like" interaction with inspirational Christian leaders from our Global Partner in Nepal. Each session will explore with this cross-cultural cohort, how living for Jesus makes a difference in all of our inner lives, and impacts our communities...

EMCC World Partners will facilitate in debriefing and processing what we've learned from each other and from God's Spirit.

Cost: $15, as part of your registration for this zoom event. This helps us bless our Global Partner in Nepal and the cost to bring their leaders together for this experience. 

Dates: TBC, 2023

See schedule below. 

Register for event here: